My Joys and Struggles

Thursday, July 21, 2011

More Rambling by Me...

I have been doing really well lately. I have been using our exercise bike almost everyday for 30 min.. on the 5th setting. My goal is to work up to 40 minutes on the 8th setting. I think by the end of summer I might be able to be close to that if not there, at the very latest I will be there by the end of September.

Kaitlynn is pretty crabby these days but I think its cause she is teething and they are molars that are coming in. She is still her smiley, laughing self but when she melts down, its all over from there.

We are working on moving soon.. so we have a lot of stuff to do with that. so not much of an update for now.. I will try to write more soon!

Check back for more.. ! ☺♥

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I am actually quite proud of myself..

I am finally back under 300 pounds! I am 297 as of today which is 3 pounds to my prepregnancy weight and about 100 pounds from my goal weight. I am very proud of myself for supporting my husband with his diet restrictions and for sticking with my exercising. I do need to work on doing my physical therapy before my physical therapist yells at me for not doing it. And I need to work on my little cheating here and there on my diet! But so far so good.

Kaitlynn is working on tooth number ten. She is getting so big and learning so much everyday! I bought her some new flash cards today. There are colors, numbers, shapes, and a small scavenger hunt game. She sat through most of them and was very interested in what we were doing. I am hoping to be able to do them daily with her and that over the next few months for her to learn her colors and shapes.. numbers I can wait but it would be great for her to learn those too. Later on, I will get some alphabet ones for her and we will add those in too.

Over the next week, I am hoping to add to my poetry blog and write more in this one. I also hope to keep my home clean and organized. My biggest problem is staying on top of the dishes- boy, do I hate dishes! I also need to start getting ready to move at the end of the month.

Well thats all for now! ♥☺